Sunday, June 5, 2016

1983 Apple Lisa Ad Think Of It As A Maserati For Your Mind

What A Difference A Few Decades Make!!!

1983 Apple Lisa Ad

Think Of It As A Maserati For Your Mind

I love checking out vintage Apple ads, like the one below for the Apple Lisa, which as the precursor for the Apple Macintosh. It is funny, because at the time of this ad, Apple was comparing itself to Maserati. Ironically today, Apple as a company completely blows Maserati away. In other words, today, Apple would NEVER compare themselves to Maserati.

2016 Tesla Model S Ad

Think Of It As The iPhone of Cars

In another ironic twist of fate, today people say the Tesla Model S is the iPhone or cars, or it is like an iPhone with four wheels. What a difference several decades make!!!

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