Tuesday, May 23, 2017

SAFE Wallet iPhone 7 & 7Plus Model Preview Update

SAFE Wallet
iPhone 7 & 7Plus Model Preview Update

Many customers have been writing in to ask what is going on with our SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus models, and figure out when they will be available. The design is complete, and it is AWESOME!!!!

Our toolmaker began building the tools this week May 22, 2017), and we hope to have our first production prototypes by the middle of June. It is reasonable to assume the tool will need some tweaking, so with any luck we will be ready to begin shipping the SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7 & 7+ by the middle of July. The iPhone 7 plus and 7 models of SAFE Wallet are pictured below.

The photo above shows a Stealth Black SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7Plus next to a Ruby Red SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7. Notice the SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7 Plus has matching Black volume buttons, which are very stealthy. This gives the all Stealth Black model an almost military spec look. You can see the ruby red volume up/down buttons on the side of the SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7, but in the photo you can't really see the red back of the case, but you can see in the photo below. In other words, the SAFE Wallet pictured on the right in the photo above with the red buttons is the exact same Ruby Red prototype model pictured below.

The image above shows a SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7 from the side view. Notice it has a red back with matching red buttons, along with a black TPU Bumper. This is the new design language of the SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7 an 7 Plus. 

The photo below shows a Ruby Red SAFE Wallet for iPhone 6/6s Plus on the left side, next to a Ruby Red SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7. If you look closely you will notice many subtle differences. First, the 7 model has a bumper that wraps around the entire front of the iPhone, including on the bottom. It also has a MUCH taller Bumper to help protect your iPhone. Also, its important to note that despite the case (no pun intended) they are both Ruby Red models, they look quite different.

So what's different? Everything and nothing. This new model harkens back to the SAFE Wallet for iPhone 5, in the sense it has a TPU front and, now a complete TPU side bumper. The difference is this one has a much larger and more protective bumper system. This should result in not only protecting your iPhone much better, but also in protecting the SAFE Wallet from any kinds of drops. In other words, the emphasis with this new model has been on significantly increasing the overall strength and robustness. Every single aspect of this new model has been re-designed and optimized for strength and durability.

Also, I am happy to announce The SAFE Wallet for iPhone 7 and 7Plus WILL be 100% backwards compatible with the entire iPhone 6 and 6 Plus family!!! The models will come in our standard colors of Ruby Red, Polar White, BulletTrain Blue and Stealth Black, but all models will have a black TPU bumper. Also, for the first time we will offer user-interchangeable volume up/down buttons and power button, so you will be able to put red buttons on a black case, as seen above. In a matter or seconds you could swap them out for a Stealth Black set...you get the idea...

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